ReadySet Surgical (#3929)
Leading Technology to Optimize and Safeguard Your Implantable Surgical Supply Chain.
ReadySet Surgical’s end-to-end cloud-based platform quickly resolves key issues in your hospital or surgery center’s surgical supply chain.
Whether it’s difficulties with case coordination, off-contract purchases, pricing discrepancies, or a lack of visibility into vendor performance, ReadySet’s easy-to-use platform is designed to give you unmatched insight across your entire surgical supply chain to proactively prevent issues before they happen.
What Makes ReadySet Unique:
- Saves Time & Money – Our technology stack demonstrates tangible process improvements and starts saving your facility money almost immediately after implementation.
- Innovative Caregiver Support – Our platform removes the time spent on administrative tasks for your OR and SPD team through automated case coordination, enabling them to focus on exceptional patient care.
- Shapes Vendor Performance – We partner with vendors to enhance communication and visibility between the device manufacturer and healthcare facility to help drive accountability and compliance.
- Deepest & Most Extensible Interoperability – Our robust integration capabilities facilitate compatibility with existing systems, helping reduce time and increase visibility across your supply chain.
- Actionable Analytics – Our detailed analytics stack drives vendor compliance, improved surgical workflows, and hard dollar savings.
Over 100 leading hospital systems across the United States rely on ReadySet Surgical solutions.
Implant Inventory Management, Loaner Tray, & Billing Software
Price Protection:
Shipping Terms:
FOB Destination; Freight Prepaid
Payment Terms:
Annual – Paid in Advance; max inc. per yr. – CPI index
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